Friday, October 9, 2009

school starts - new sketchbook

I'm going back to school! I registered for classes at the Art Institute of Portland and started within a week and my first class, Concept and Development, is going to be really helpful for me. I'm required to keep up a sketchbook, something I'd like to form a solid habit of.

I was excited to get out of the class to go to Powells and get my favorite Moleskine journals! Don't you love the feeling of a new journal/sketchbook just waiting to be filled with words and ideas? Sometimes I like a journal so much that I just can't bring myself to write in it, but nice journals need to be used and loved. Now I have my new Moleskine ones! I bought a set of 3 large plain journals and I'm so excited to get all my ideas out onto the pages and really come to understand my creative process!


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